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How we work

Through our 10 step recruiting process, we effectively instill confidence and precision to the hiring and job seeking process. Here’s how we do it:

Step one: Understanding

We consistently dedicate ourselves to gaining a clear understanding of the culture, scope and opportunity of an organization. As needs arise, we are thorough in determining how these roles will be impactful and the requirements needed for the candidate to be successful. 

step two: developing our approach

Once hiring needs are established & defined, we work alongside our clients in developing a go-to-market approach in order to attract top talent. We help derive the compelling story of what makes an opportunity great, a company stand out and what makes you unique.

step three: candidate network

By harnessing the power of our long-standing candidate relationships, we perform a highly targeted & personalized search, interacting and networking with the best/brightest prospects in Atlanta.

step four: candidate qualifying

Through a customized screening process, candidate qualifications and expectations are assessed to ensure we’re identifying the perfect fit on both a technical and cultural level.

step five: Presentation

Once we’ve identified our top talent considerations for a client’s need, we meticulously develop our candidate presentation, highlighting all applicable skills, professional successes, and personal attributes. This includes detailed commentary on why we’re confident it will prove to be a valuable introduction.

Step six: Interviews

After addressing any preliminary candidate profile questions from the hiring teams, we partner together to begin the interviewing process. We’re dedicated to helping facilitate a seamless interaction where all involved are provided with the information needed to make the best, most informed determination of fit.

step seven: Interview debrief

Once interviews have taken place, we immediately debrief, diligently exploring all questions, concerns and follow-up items. Feedback is thoroughly provided and we ensure that each individual has what they need as we determine a course of action moving forward in the hiring process.

Step eight: Offer

Once mutual interest has been established and candidate selection is made, we coordinate with both candidate & client to ensure that offers made are thorough, competitive and well received. All offer negotiations are handled effectively by our team, avoiding any surprises and ensuring an abundance of information is provided for a decision to be made.

step nine: References and background check

Upon successful acceptance of an offer, we conduct all reference checks, background checks and additional due diligence requested by the client.

Step ten: Follow up

We guarantee long-lasting results and are highly proactive in maintaining client/candidate communication after placements are made. We’re easily accessible to address any post-placement needs and strive to provide you with an exceptional experience.


Instilling confidence and precision to the hiring and job seeking process
